SoulCollage® conversations. Sam Taroni and Linda Woolfson.

Linda Woolfson interviews Sam Taroni about creativity and SoulCollage® in her life.

Samantha Taroni talks to Linda Woolfson about her thoughts about SoulCollage and creativity. She is a creative group facilitator with a loving reverence for trees, big curiosity about how imagination can re-source us, and a longstanding passion for building community and well-being through the creative process. The Soul Shed is where she seeks ways to bring these things together.  Hear about her current workshops and online offerings at


The Jewel In The Crown

Lala Birchak, SoulCollage® Facilitator in Farnham, Surrey, describes how consulting her SoulCollage® deck enriches her life.

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What do you do, where do you go and who do you turn to when you need some guidance or a different perspective on something that’s troubling you? What helps you to see your situation more clearly and provides a way out of a seeming impasse?

One of the places I go is my SoulCollage deck. My deck, of well over a hundred cards, resides in an old shoe box. As I look at it now I see it is very close to bursting. I really must replace it soon, or maybe, I need to stop making cards. I chuckle. I don’t think that will ever happen. 

To prepare for a reading, I settle into a quiet place, light a candle and focus on my intention. Intention is key so I spend some time crafting my intention and being very clear about what it is I would like guidance for. I hold that intention in my mind as I shuffle my cards and then I pick one or more cards. If I am pressed for time or it is something straightforward I will only pick a single card, otherwise I will pick between two and four cards. 

I always write or record my readings, transcribing them into a notebook later. Even after many years of doing readings, there is a part of me that is still taken aback and surprised that it works, surprised by the wisdom that comes through, surprised that it is always so spot on and apposite. How does that happen? I am amazed because I know that depth of wisdom and clarity is not something I normally have access to in my everyday life. 

I have used readings for personal challenges, for running workshops, before travelling, to narrow down choices, to inspire me, to challenge me, to give me a focus for the year ahead and much, much more. There is no limit to how I have used them to help me on my Soul’s journey. My deck of cards and the SoulCollage process is a blessing in my life and I am very grateful.

SoulCollage is by no means the only way to access the deep wisdom and benign intelligence that resides inside each of us and in all of life, but it is a very easy and accessible way. My deck of cards is always there, it’s portable and it’s always available. Much as I love the creative, playful aspect of making the cards, for me the jewel in the crown of SoulCollage is the deep dive into their hidden meaning and wisdom.