SoulCollage® conversations. Sam Taroni and Linda Woolfson.

Linda Woolfson interviews Sam Taroni about creativity and SoulCollage® in her life.

Samantha Taroni talks to Linda Woolfson about her thoughts about SoulCollage and creativity. She is a creative group facilitator with a loving reverence for trees, big curiosity about how imagination can re-source us, and a longstanding passion for building community and well-being through the creative process. The Soul Shed is where she seeks ways to bring these things together.  Hear about her current workshops and online offerings at


SoulCollage® Sundays

Jane Power, a SoulCollage® Facilitator in the west of England, shares her love and enthusiasm for the evolving SoulCollage® community in her home town, Malvern, Worcestershire


Jayne: I’ve probably been interested in SoulCollage® for about five years and I’ve been a facilitator for four years and I’ve been doing it ever since through workshops and building a community here.

Linda: And can you tell us a bit about how the community is evolving, how did it begin and where is it at now?

Jayne: Hmm, well, probably after my training as a facilitator I started doing introductory workshops on a regular basis, and so most of the people in my local community had a go, and from that lots of people were really enthusiastic about how powerful SoulCollage® is and wanted to do more on a regular basis. So we started up a regular monthly group called SoulCollage® Sunday and so we meet once a month so that we can get together in community and use SoulCollage® and, and work with it. Everybody really enjoys it!

Linda: How do you shape those meetings Jayne, what happens?

Jayne: We get together on a Sunday and I ask that everybody brings a shared lunch with them and its nice to be able to do that and share and have the social side of it, but in between that we meet maybe from eleven til about half past three. So in the morning we make SoulCollage® cards, all sitting round a lovely light and airy table, in my house, and make SoulCollage® cards. All the materials are here for them, all the cards are here and they bring along the deck that they have already made - all the cards that they have already made. So we have a lovely, playful time really, making the cards and then have lunch together - so a social time - and then after lunch we sit down and we usually kind of split off into pairs or into triads, into threes, and we do readings of the cards. So we will kind of choose or allow/think of a question and then choose three cards and then we’ll read those cards in turn to answer the question and always get the most powerful answers from them that are lovely.

Linda: And how long have you been having SoulCollage® Sundays now Jayne?

Jayne: Oh, wow, probably probably for about three years maybe!

Linda: Wow, fantastic!

Jayne: And its generally the same people that come, they are quite committed to it. But we have new people that join us too. We’ve just had one person leave and go and live in another part of the country and she was keen to carry on so we’re doing that by Skype and she is still joining us!

Linda: Fantastic!

Jayne: And then another person that’s joined us that was really keen to carry on doing it when she did her introductory (and once everybody has done an introductory workshop with me I kind of invite them to SoulCollage® Sundays) so she decided she’d got space and she’d come to join us. So it’s kind of come and go but there’s a company there.

Linda: But there’s a core of people there regularly?

Jayne: Yeah!

Linda: Jayne can you tell us how it has changed over the three years, your Sunday group, how has it developed, how is it different now?

Jayne: I think now we’ve obviously got to know one another on a much more intimate and deeper level because we’re sharing our, kind of, our lives with one another. And because we are sharing the cards, the cards speak for themselves and tell us about our lives. So we have got to know one another quite deeply, so its developed into a very, a sacred, special safe space to be able to share really … yeah.