SoulCollage® The Gift Within
/Ivette Ebaen, SoulCollage® Facilitator in Westport, Ireland, writes about a core activity of the SoulCollage® process: choosing our images.
I. Ebaen. 1st Chakra Animal Companion, from my Animal Companion Suit: “With Temperance and Care I Am the One Who Always Loves You”
For those of us who are new to SoulCollage® what I want to discuss in brief is how to go about choosing your images, or to be exact how the image chooses you. The arising of images to consciousness is how our psyche communicates. Imagery is the language of the soul. The assembling of images is such a mysterious process; a tale beyond the mind’s comprehension, and therefore the more beautiful to accept and conceive because nothing need be censored.
When considering collaging a SoulCollage® card for one of the four Suits, whether it’s a Companion, Community, Council, or the Committee, Seena B. Frost, the creator of SoulCollage® stressed the importance of focusing on one Neter at a time. Imagining that energy, naming this Neter, acknowledging its presence while allowing an image to come to you gives it a place in your life.
Every one of your SoulCollage® cards is a symbol of transmission. A facet and dimension of your person that is easier to access and accept when its wisdom is given a voice. Then its function is understood, existing as a creative force in service and to benefit your life. The SoulCollage® cards you make then show up with purpose. Each card is understood to be part of a whole, representing your wholeness. The deck, a visual autobiography is an evolving, fluid document of your self-discovery.
Seena’s motto on creating cards was: the simpler the better. This means being receptive to receiving a background image then the foreground image, and if needed a third. Devoid of distractions the two or three-image SoulCollage® card is your connection to the whole. Upon contemplating your card, the visual created delivers the message with clarity, because the message arises from a place of wisdom: The message meant only for you.
No premeditated thinking required.
Trust that whatever comes from the mind itself is always fear-based; and what is perceived from higher consciousness is meant with love and compassion. This is the true meaning and the message every one of your SoulCollage® cards seeks to impart.