The first book to buy when you are starting out with SoulCollage® is the one written by Seena Frost, originator of the process. There have been other books written about using the SoulCollage® process and some are shown on this page too.
Seena’s book includes basic instructions for how you can easily make and consult your own SoulCollage® cards. You will learn about the different suits that you can create in your deck of cards and the three additional transpersonal cards and the language of symbols, dreams and archetypes that show up in your cards. There are sections on using cards to access your inner wisdom and guidance in everyday life and examples of how others have used their cards and the process in their personal and professional lives.
Here is a collection of guided imagery meditation scripts that Anne Marie Bennet calls Magical Inner Journeys. You can record them to take your own journeys or use them in your workshops and circles as a way to access personal symbols and archetypal imagery to inspire SoulCollage® card making.
This collection of essays is a sequel to “Through the Eyes” and provides another bountiful source of enriching ideas and prompts to enjoy and depeen your home card making and journalling.
Walking the labyrinth and combining it with SoulCollage® offers a way to ground and embody the wisdom that our SoulCollage® cards offer. This is a beautiful and inspiring book for combining these two sacred practices. Whether you are a beginning or experienced SoulCollage® maker or labyrinth walker, this book will deepen your experience of both processes offering guidance and suggestions for each.
This is a collection of essays that illustrate the benefits of SoulCollage® in everyday life. At the end of each essay is an invitation to reflect, along with prompts for journaling as well as suggestions for SoulCollage® card making and further reading.